ThesisA clinical study on the effect of a titanium oxide photocatalyst used with different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide gels on bleaching of teeth
ThesisA clinical study on the effect of a titanium oxide photocatalyst used with different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide gels on bleaching of teeth
ThesisA comparative study of home and in-office bleaching procedures on human enamel color, microhardness and ultrastructure using whitesmile bleaching agents
ThesisA comparative study of home and in-office bleaching procedures on human enamel color, microhardness and ultrastructure using whitesmile bleaching agents
ThesisThe effect of a novel bleaching agent (Titanium Dioxide) activated by Nd: YAG LaserVersus Conventional Zoom2 on Enamel SurfaceStructure : Scanning Electron Microscopic Investigation and Laser Induced Fluorescence Study
ThesisThe effect of a novel bleaching agent (Titanium Dioxide) activated by Nd: YAG LaserVersus Conventional Zoom2 on Enamel SurfaceStructure : Scanning Electron Microscopic Investigation and Laser Induced Fluorescence Study
ThesisThe effect of dentinal wall ozone treatment on push-out bond strength and adaptability of resin based sealers : An in-vitro study
ThesisThe effect of dentinal wall ozone treatment on push-out bond strength and adaptability of resin based sealers : An in-vitro study
ThesisEfficacy of intracoronal bleaching using non thermal atmospheric pressure plasma and its effect on pulp chamber dentin : An in vitro study
ThesisEfficacy of intracoronal bleaching using non thermal atmospheric pressure plasma and its effect on pulp chamber dentin : An in vitro study
ThesisSurface roughness and color change of bleached sound enamel treated with fluoride and amorphous calcium phosphate
ThesisSurface roughness and color change of bleached sound enamel treated with fluoride and amorphous calcium phosphate