
Color stability of bleached resin composites on accelerated aging


Last updated: 06 Feb 2023




Operative Dentistry


Ahmad, Amal Abdel-Ghafour


2018-08-26 05:36:41


2018-08-26 05:36:41


M.Sc. Thesis


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the color stability of bleached dentine shade (DB) resin composite compared to light dentin shade and dark dentine shade.Materials and method: Highly dispersed Nano-hybrid ceramic resin composite,(double Translucency systems of 3 different dentine shades, Bleach dentine shade (DB) Light dentine Shade D1 and Dark dentine shade D3 were used. Each shade group (n=45) total of 135 disc specimens. Each shade group (n=45) was sub divided into 3 sub groups (n=15 specimens each) according to the aging time used (50 hours, 100 hours and 150 hours). The test specimens received no polishing after being cured under the Mylar strip for 60 seconds with (LED) curing unite. The test specimens were immersed in distilled water for 24 hours, removed and dried. Next based on the CIE lab system the test specimens were submitted to initial color read outs (before aging) with spectrophotometer (UV Shimadzu 3101) in reflectance mode in the weather chamber. The value for L*, a* and b* on white and black background used to calculate the color change ΔL, Δa, Δb, ΔE, TP, hand C. The color change ΔE was calculated for each specimen according to the following equation: ΔE* = [(ΔL*)2 + (Δa*)2 + (Δb*)2]1/2The translucency parameter TP was calculated from the following equation:TP= [﴾L*B - L*W ﴿2 + ﴾a*B -a*W ﴿2 + (b*B -b*W) 2]½ Where W referring to the value for each specimen against the white background and B referring to the value for each specimen against the black background. Hue h◦ calculated from the equation: h◦ = arctan (b*/a*) and Chroma C calculated as follow: C* =[(a*)2 + (b*)2 ]1/2ANOVA test was used for analysis of variance and compare between changes in color (ΔE*ab) CIE (L*, a*, and b*)color parameter values, Hue(h°), Chroma(C*ab) and Translucency parameter (TP) before and after physical ageing method. The descriptive statistics and test of significance usingSAS program (SAS 1988). One way analysis of variance (procedure ANOVA of SAS) followed by (Duncan’s multiple range test) were used to test the effect of different shades on color stability with significance set at p< 0.05.Results: The results of the current study revealed that; all specimens showed a significant color change when aged in the weather chamber DB bleach shade showed the highest color change value. It showed clinically unacceptable color change as the ΔE value was ≥ 3.3 (it was 3.8 after 100 hours and 4.5 after 150 hours).The bleach shade became less translucent as TP parameter changed from 5.2 to 4.3 after aging for 150 hours. Also the hue and Chroma decreased. The shade DB showed higher red and yellow shift than other tested shades the light dentin shade (D1) and dark dentin shade (D3).Conclusions: Under the limits of the present investigation, the following conclusions were drawn:The brightness of different shades of resin composite is time dependent property, Darkening of resin composite in aging is more pronounced with bleached shade rather than traditional shade, Translucency of resin composite is affected by aging for all shades.


1 Jan 2013





Created At

28 Jan 2023