Objectives: Assessment of the primary stability and bone density around dental implants placed in the posterior maxilla of osteoporotic postmenauposal females using osteotome technique. Patients and Methods: Twelve posterior maxillary implants; installed in six post manepousal osteoporotic female were included in the study. Implant placement was performed by the osteotome technique. Pre-and postoperative Cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) were used for measurement of bone density and osstell device was used for measurement of primary stability of implant. Results: There was a statistically significant increase in mean bone density at the buccal, palatal, mesial and distal surfaces of implant, while there was no statistically significant difference between the mean implant stability in the two directions (Bucco-Palatal (BP) and Mesio-Distal (MD)). Conclusion: Osteotome technique allows placement of implants in low density bone with acceptable primary stability and may slightly enhance bone density around implants placed in low density bone. Low bone density of osteoporotic female patients as quantified by DEXA does not persi affect the success rate of dental implants.