Objectives: To evaluate the complication rate and the amount of relapsefollowing one stage versus two stage ridge splitting technique.Methods: Twelve patients who were partially edentulous in the maxillaryarch with inadequate ridge width for classical dental implant placementand these patients were divided into two groups. One group received aone stage ridge split technique while the other received a 2 stage splittechniques. Both groups received autogenous bone graft from symphysisregion covered by calcium sulphate. Cone beam radiographs were usedfor follow up.Results: The present study showed that after the initial gain in ridgewidth, a mean reduction of 23.5% for first technique (1 stage) and a 32%for the second one (2 stage) was noted at 6 months postoperatively.Conclusion: Ridge splitting procedure is a viable option in restoring thedeficient alveolar ridge width before dental implant placement in themaxillary arch. Calcium Sulfate acted as a barrier membrane over theautogenous bone graft with successful results and good tissue healing.Grafting the gap in the split area with autogenous bone resulted in idealbone quality as observed during implant placement.