The aim of the study is to evaluate the hemodynamic changes occurring during odontoectomy of impacted lower third molar under local anaesthesia and propofol intravenous sedation. The study included thirty six patients with impacted lower third molar indicated for surgical extraction. All cases were subjected to surgical removal of impacted lower third molar using the classic three pyramidal flaps. The patients had been divided into three groups: Group 1 (control group) It included twelve patients, they did not receive any intra venous sedation and Group 2 It included of twelve patients, they received intravenous propofol sedation with 1microgram/kg/min.: Group 3 It included twelve patients, they received intravenous propofol (1 mg/kg) as a loading dose over 3-5minutes. The patients hemodynamics (pulse rate, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and oxygen saturation) were all measured preoperatively and these records were considered base line values. The other recordings were taken after the local anesthetic and propofol injection, during the surgical procedures and finally at the end of the surgical maneuver. The current study demonstrated that assessment of hemodynamic changes showed significant pulse, systolic blood pressure changes between groups.