This study was conducted to evaluate the outcome of non-surgical splints, arthrocentesis or surgical intervention in the management of tempromandibular dysfunctions. Based on a questionnaire and clinical examination, twenty four patients were divided randomly into three groups have experienced various degrees of limited mouth opening, muscle and joint pain and clicking sounds of TMJ, within at least the previous year. The effectiveness of the treatment was evaluated in terms of the postoperative maximum interincisal opening (MIO) (unassisted and assisted) and the degree of preoperative pain on a visual analog scale (VAS) on both TMJ and muscles and Clicking sounds in opening and closing. The non parametric sample Wilcoxon test method was used to compare pre-treatment and post-treatment data. The results of this study show That, the Combined therapy of splint and arthrocenthesis showed a significant values in increasing the unassisted maximum mouth opening after 12 weeks follow up (P value Significant less than 0.05) followed by splint therapy alone (P value (Significant less than 0.05) then surgical intervention which show clinical improvement but statistically insignificant. CONCLUTION: The all treatment maneuvers were successful with various rates in increasing the unassisted maximum mouth opening. Post operative follow up and physiotherapy is an important factor for treatment protocol.