Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate the different components of skeletal class III, and its relative growth transformation in the three dimensions of space. Materials and methods: The sample of skeletal Class III included 79 individuals; 41 in mixed dentition stage, and 38 in permanent dentition stage. The control group included 83 individuals; 40 in mixed dentition stage, and 43 in permanent dentition stage. Lateral and postero-anterior films were taken for each individual, and then digitally analyzed, and planned measurements were performed. Results: Among skeletal Class III types, combined maxillary retrusion and mandibular protrusion showed the highest percentage of incidence, and normal vertical growth pattern showed the highest incidence. Mandibular rotation didn’t increase with age in skeletal Class III individuals. Transverse dimensions of the mandible of skeletal Class III individuals had no correlation with the antero-posterior discrepancy. Conclusions: Treatment of skeletal Class III cases is recommended in the early mixed dentition stage with big emphasis on the antero-posterior dimension.