
Accurate detection of apical rootresorption after orthodontic treatment using periapical radiograph, panoramic radiograph and cone beam computed tomographic scan


Last updated: 05 Jan 2025






Auda, Samir Rafiq Aly


2018-08-26 05:55:13


2018-08-26 05:55:13


M.Sc. Thesis


The current study was carried out to evaluate detection accuracy of post orthodontic treatment apical root resorption in extraction and non-extraction cases using digital periapical radiographs, panoramic radiographs and cone beam computed tomography scans. Subject and Methods: Twenty subjects at the end of fixed orthodontic treatment were selected from the Outpatients Clinic of the Orthodontic Department, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo University whom had consented to participate in the project ( with age ranged from 16 years old to 25 years old and an average of 19.4years). The sample was divided equally into two equal halves. Extraction of one premolar in each mouth quadrant was performed in half of the sample while the other half were non extraction, as planned for their orthodontic treatment. Each subject in each group received Panoramic, Digital periapical and CBCT radiographical views . Four calibrated examiners assessed separately and blindly the presence or absence and the degree of root resorption in all the taken radiographical views by using Malmegren scoring index. Then a comparison between the results of each viewer was done. Results: In both extraction and non-extraction samples digital periapical radiograph and CBCT proved to be similar to each others in detecting the presence and the severity of periapical root resorption and better than Panoramic radiograph with some superiority to digital periapical radiograph in some of the cases. There was no statistcally significant difference between the CBCT and the Periapical Radiogaph results and scores. In extraction cases there was more presence and sever degrees of periapical root resorption recorded than the non-extraction cases. Conclusion: Panorama radiographic view proved to be the worst in detecting apical root resorption among all the other radigraphical modalities and it underestimated the amount of root resorption which were really present. CBCT and Digital periaical radiographic modalities were nearby to each others in root resorption detection ability and better than panoramic views. Digital periapical radiographic modality proved to be the best in detection of apical root resorption among all the other radiographical modalities.


1 Jan 2014





Created At

28 Jan 2023