Maxillary retrusion in children as part of skeletal class III malocclusion is considered one of the most demanding malocclusions to diagnose, treat and maintain.The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the effect of tooth-borne facemask therapy with bone-anchored maxillary protraction on miniplates in a group of prepubertal children. This study also aims to evaluate and compare the magnitude and direction of maxillary displacement as well as, the stress distribution pattern at the circum-maxillary sutures using a three-dimensional finite element analysisA sample of twenty patients (eleven girls and nine boys) in the pre-pubertal growth period and an age range of 8-11 years were selected for this study. The patients were divided into 2 equal groups, the first of which received tooth-borne facemask therapy for the correction of maxillary deficiency, while the second group was treated using class III inter-maxillary elastic traction from L-shaped miniplates placed into the infrazygomatic crest and the lower anterior region bilaterally. A bilateral force of 400g was applied to the maxilla from elastic traction to the facemask appliance. A similar amount of force (400g ) bilaterally was applied to the miniplates class III inter-maxillary elastics after a healing period of 3 weeks.The two clinical situations were simulated using the finite element analysis (FEA), whereby the model of the maxilla was constructed from the CBCT of one of the patients and was loaded according to the two different protraction protocols to measure the displacement in the maxillary complex and study the strains at the circum-maxillary sutures. The treatment effects were evaluated clinically and radiographically using pre and post treatment CBCT after an observation period of 10 months. A three-dimensional cephalometric analysis was performed on the reconstructed images from the CBCTs to study the treatment changes and compare the two protraction protocols.