Objective: To determine the influence of post type and luting material on the push-out bond strengths to dentin.Methods. Twenty, single canal, extracted human bicuspids were sectioned below thecementoenamel junction, and the roots were endodontically treated. Glass fiber posts(Glassix plus) and zirconia posts (Zirix) were then adhesively luted with total-etch(Variolink N) and self-adhesive (Multilink Speed) resin cements.Study design: The roots were divided into 2 main groups of 10 samples each, according to the type of post used, and then each group subdivided into 2 subgroups of 5 samples each, according to the type of cement used. The specimens weretransversally sectioned into Three slices of 2mm thickness in order to perform thepush-out test. The push-out tests were performed at crosshead-speed, 0.5 mm/min).Failure modes were evaluated using a electron microscope at magnification (X150).Resulst. The push-out bond strengths were significantly affected by the type of lutingagent and the type of post (P ≤ 0.05). the mean push-out bond strength values for fiberpost were significantly higher than those for zirconia post independent of the lutingstrategy used. The total-etch adhesive resin cement score values higher than those forself-adhesive resin cement irrespective of other variables. While regarding the effectof root segment on push-out bond strength, reaults revealed that bond strengthdecreased from the coronal to the apical section. The cement-dentin interface found tobe the weakest part of the root-cement-post unit.Conclusions: In all root segments, the glass fiber post adhesively luted with total-etchor self-adhesive resin cement provided significantly increased bond strengthcompared with the zirconia post.