
Evaluation of bond strength of fiberreinforced posts with different designs luted with different resin cements


Last updated: 06 Feb 2023




Fixed Prosthodontics


Yahya, Maged Saleh


2018-08-26 05:26:08


2018-08-26 05:26:08


M.Sc. Thesis


Aim of the study: The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the push-out bondstrength of two different designs of fiber reinforced posts namely parallel sidedserrated and parallel smooth with two different luting cement systems; selfadhesive r esin system and two steps etch and rinse adhesive system.Materials and Methods: A total of 24 single rooted, caries-free maxillary centralincisors were collected. The teeth were decoronated at the level of cement-enameljunction from labial side, perpendicular to their long axis using diamond disc undercopious water irrigation. The root canals were mechanically enlarged with rotaryinstrument and obturated according to rotary system. After mounting teeth in acrylicresin blocks, the post space was prepared using the specific drill assigned by themanufacturer for the post used. The endodontically treated teeth were being dividedinto 2 equal groups (n=12) according to the post design as follows: Group A:Fiberkleer reinforced parallel serrated post Group B: Fiberkleer reinforced parallelsmooth post.Each groups of teeth were be further subdivided according to adhesivestrategies in to 2 subgroups (n=6) as follows: Subgroup i: Breeze self-adhesive resincement Subgroup ii: RelyX ARC total etch (etch-rinse) .After cementation accordingto manufacturer instructions all specimens were stored in normal saline thenthermocycled using thermocycling device. The roots then cut into 3 slicesperpendicular to the long axis of teeth. The first cut started 2mm below the cementenameljunction thus; the slices represented the coronal cut, then middle and finally anapical located cut at the post space preparation. A universal testing machine was usedto dislodge each fiber post from the root dentine in apical-coronal direction atdifferent levels. A load was then applied to the post surface resulting in shear stressespost interfaces. The load obtained was calculated /dentine- cement/along the cementand data were statistically analyzed. The specimens were subjected to microscopicexamination using a scaning electron microscope for evaluating the adhesive behaviorand mode of failure at different root levels.Results: The results showed that post design had no statistically significant effecton mean push-out bond strength. Type of cement, root region and the interactionbetween the three variables had a statistically significant effect on mean push-outbond strength.Conclusion: The bond strength of fiberglass posts to root dentine was not affectedby post configuration. The adhesion of Breeze resin cement to root dentine isbetter than RelyX ARC resin cement.


1 Jan 2013





Created At

28 Jan 2023