This study was designed to compare the marginal adaptation of CAD-temp material and composite resin crowns before and after cementation. For the purpose of standardization specially designed stainless steel die was constructed with the average dimention of the maxillary first premolar following the principles of tooth reduction for clinical abutment preparation, and having a finish line of 1 mm rounded shoulder, and with convergence angle 8 degrees. Duplication of the metal die was carried out using a low viscosity silicon duplicating material, then the duplicated impression will be poured into a reflactant stone to get a master stone die. In order to construct the CAD/CAM temporary crowns the stone die was scanned using the inEos scanner of the Cerec inLab machine and the machine was selected a proper restoration design to be milled into an anatomical crown with the specific predetermined dimensions ,then we get the first groub of CAD-temp crowns ready to be tested .