Introduction: Numerous investigations give evidence of improvement of masticatoryperformance and alveolar bone surrounding the natural remaining two canineswhen patients have had mandibular overdenture retained by different types of studattachments. A radiographic comparative study was carried out on overdentureretained by two different type of stud attachment (Ball and Socket and OT-CapEquator system) constructed on two remaining lower canines. Materials and methods: Twelve patients were grouped into two groups, six of themuse Ball and Socket attachment and the others use OT-Cap Equator system.Radiographic evaluation was made by intra-oral digital radiograph DIGORA system.The measurement includes the bone height and bone density surrounded thesupportive canines. Result: All measurements were repeated from 0 to 3, 6 and 12 months and theaverage was calculated. Paired t-test was used to compare between right and leftsides. It was also used to study the changes by time in each group. Student's t-testwas used to compare between the two groups. The significance level was set at P <0.05. Conclusion: A tendency for test subjects with uses of OT-Cap Equator systempreserves the bone height and density more than the other type.