The present study was conducted on fourteen partially edentulous patients selected from the outpatient clinic of the Prosthetic Department, of Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo University.For all patients, examination charts were prepared with full personal, medical and dental history as well as radiographic recordsPatients are divided into two groups; each group received one implant in the distal extension area with a locator attachment.Group A; received implant with conventional design (Non –plate form switching) and group B; received implant with plate form switching design and then followed by an implant supported mandibular partial over denture.This study concludedthat platform switching is capable of reducing the amount of crestal bone loss. The use of implants with a modified platform (platform switching) improves preservation of the crestal bone and leads to controlled biological space reposition. Moreover, the implant design modifications involved in platform switching offer multiple advantages and potential applications, as preservation of the crestal bone.