The New Progressive Changes in Planned Management of The National Economy Experimented in the Present Time in Czechoslovakia
Last updated: 17 Dec 2024
The New Progressive Changes in Planned Management of The National Economy Experimented in the Present Time in Czechoslovakia
K. Stregl
After World War II the national economy of Czechoslovakia went through a period of rapid development, relaying mainly on the development of industry. Industrial production today is about 4.8, times higher than the prewar level and the national income is more than two and half times higher than it was in 1937. But at the beginning of the sixties the Cze- choslovak national economy began to suffer from certain economic frictions, which can be briefly characterized as a decrease of the efficiency of the national economy. It became evident that in order to overcome these problems, it is necessary to reexamine the direction of the economic development as well as the system of economic management followed so far. That necessitated a deep and complex analysis of entire development up to that time which was initiated by the twelfth Congress of the Communist Part of Czechoslovakia.
The Institute of National Planning
سلسلة مذكرات خارجية رقم (553)
INP Report
Created At
18 Nov 2024