Short Term Financial Planning and the Market Equilibrium
Last updated: 17 Dec 2024
Short Term Financial Planning and the Market Equilibrium
Zdzislaw Fedorowicz
It is evident, that in the annual economic plans, both the physical and monetary sides of economic processes are rigidly connected to each other, what means that every planned supply of material goods and services at current prices is connected with corresponding monetary demand. This equality is assured in central annual plans not only in total levels of supply and demand, but also in their internal structure. The supply of consumption goods is connected with purchase funds of individual and collective consumers, while the supply of investment goods is connected with the amount of investment funds, and further, the equality of planned supply and demand within the central economic plan is assured also in sectorial or branchial structure. But this rigid equality may not be reached already the stage of detailed economic planning in enterprises (based on central directives), though not speaking about the implementation of the planned targets. Let us consider the main factors, entailing differences between the supply of material goods and services and the monetary demand during the implementation of central plans, enclosing the establishment of detailed enterprises' plans already to the stage of implementation.
The Institute of National Planning
سلسلة مذكرات خارجية رقم (509)
INP Report
Created At
17 Nov 2024