The selection of building materials from various available alternatives is a critical process that gets affected by lots of complicated factors. Every single element in the building has a specific function to perform. This necessitates a sound selection of material from the various alternatives, which normally differ in their quality, performance, and cost. To make the most valuable choice, the owner's desire is to perform the function with the maximum quality and to reduce the cost to the minimum, which is the principle of value engineering. The implementation of a value engineering process is challenging, and it needs much effort and many brainstorming sessions to be achieved. Therefore, this study will propose a concept of systematic approach to automate the value engineering process and integrate it with the decision-making process to select building materials. This process can be accelerated and facilitated by using an innovative computer technology such as building information modeling (BIM) that has been widely used in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry (AEC). In this paper, exterior walls elements will be studied as an example. A determination must be done to identify the criteria affecting the selection and how far it is related to achieving the goal of the project.