This paper presents a non-destructive study using ultra-sonic shear wave in order to explore the internal conditions of doubly damaged full-scale pre-tensioned bridge girder. The considered girder was a part of damaged bridge located in Ontario, Canada. Primarily, this girder was damaged due to a dump truck that did not heed height restrictions. The damaged girder was moved to the test site, and then an elastic load testing was conducted on the girder in order to examine its flexural behavior at a load level less than the theoretical cracking load. After that, it was decided to repair the girder in shear using Externally Bonded Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (EB-CFRP) sheets and re-tested it up to near failure. The abovementioned scenarios of successive damages were happened eleven years ago. Nowadays, the girder is still in position subjected to the harsh environmental conditions of Canada and inspite its previous successive damages and severe environmental conditions, some regions do not exhibit any visual cracks/damages. In addition, the CFRP sheets prevent the appearance of the continuous surface cracks. Consequently, the current study is undertaken in order to verify the MIRA device to capture the internal damages inside the concrete and behind the CFRP sheets along with evaluating the interface durability of the CFRP-strengthened girder under cyclic severe environmental conditions.