In this paper Chemical Stabilization of dispersive clay by Nano Montmorillonite is evaluated and comprised with the results of remediation by lime. The studied clay taken from residuals of a constructing dam, called “Mirzakhanloo", located in Zanjan province, northwest of Iran.
First the application of nanotechnology in the improvement of dispersive clayey soils is described. In which the concept of nanotechnology as well as the new concept of nanosol is explained.
Then the results of soil remediation by conventional lime stabilization method are described. Also the use of Nano Montmorillonite as an additive in order to reduce the dispersion potential is presented. The effects of both remediation additives on the mitigation of disperse potential evaluated in conjunction with the sidelong effects on the plasticity and resistance of soil samples.
It could be summarized that both materials have good effect on the mitigation of disperse potential, but the Nano Montmorillonite improve the plasticity characterizations of soil and also the resistance of soil with more efficiency.