There is a growing demand for the use of pesticides and fertilizers in agricultural sector in the Nile Delta region. Agricultural drainage in open drains infiltrates to groundwater (GW). Aquifer vulnerability assessment can be considered critical to protect and management of GW resources. In order to evaluate the GW quality, models assess the GW sensitivity to contamination in the shape of a vulnerability map is conducted. The primary purpose of vulnerability maps is to split the region into several hydrogeological units with varying levels of vulnerability to assess the GW vulnerability to contamination using the pesticide DRASTIC vulnerability approach. A geographic information system (GIS) has been utilized in several studies to apply the pesticide DRASTIC model. The main goal of this study is to evaluate the GW vulnerability map of Gharbia Governorate using pesticide DRASTIC method to identify areas most vulnerable to contamination. Obtained results demonstrate accepted correlation between nitrate concentration and pesticide DRASTIC-LU with correlation (0.60). As regards, the vulnerability classes of the Pesticide DRASTIC model detected in the area are very high, high, moderate, low and very low representing 11.4%, 12.7%, 29.94% 23.14% and 22.82% respectively. While, the vulnerability classes of the Pesticide DRASTIC-LU model detected in the area are very high, high, moderate, low and very low, representing 11.44%, 17.35%, 28.4% 22.12% and 20.69 %, respectively.