peer to peer video streaming
internet service providers
Dynamic Mechanism for Video Streaming on Peer-to-Peer Networks using OPNET
2021 International Conference on Electronic Engineering (ICEEM)
Abstract—Quality for live video streaming technology most be based on quality Experiences parameters (QoE). Approaching the peer-to-peer (P2P) or peer networks like sympathetic solution is highly required, especially of its authentic scalability and its extreme low initial cost requirements. the design of efficient, and performing P2P streaming systems remains a big challenge when real-time necessity are partnof the quality for service. One of the P2P main issues was the neighbor selection methodology. The proposed job is an operative mesh-based neighbor that can select algorithm for live video streaming based on QoS and QoE Parameters. We simulates different scenarios up to 4000 online peers under failure / recovery tests. The simulation results demonstrates that the given algorithm achieves good performance in end-to-end dela variation. .A new algorithm "UPDA" used to improve streaming quality though the newest neighbor selection methodology. This categories peers into super peer and slow peer ."APDA" algorithm that defines the law of each peer existing in the streaming session . With the coming services and applications such as streaming all over the internet media . some server service model a client send a request to ask the video server ,CDN (Content Delivery Network ) approach a set of CDN server are placed at the network instead of downloading the video from the multimedia server .
peer to peer video streaming, video on demand, internet service providers, opnet, streaming architecture
2nd IEEE International Conference on Electronic Eng., Faculty of Electronic Eng., Menouf, Egypt, 3-4 July. 2021
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2021 International Conference on Electronic Engineering (ICEEM)
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