ملخص البحث
يتناول هذا البحث موضوع الدليل المستقل من حيث دراسة ماهيته؛ حيث ورد قيداً في جملة من تعريفات الأصوليين في مباحثهم، وتحديداً في مبحثي تخصيص العام، والترجيح.
ففي تعريف الحنفية للتخصيص، اشترطوا في الدليل المخصص أن يكون دليلاً مستقلاً مقارناً، بخلاف الجمهور الذين لم يقيدوا الدليل، وتقييد الحنفية مبني على أنه بيان يتضمن معنى المعارضة كونه مستقلاً، وترتب على الخلاف في اشتراطه أثر أصولي، يتمثل في الحكم بتعارض العام مع الخاص عند الحنفية، وكذلك أثر في الفروع الفقهية.
كذلك الحال في مبحث الترجيح؛ حيث ورد قيداً في تعريف الترجيح عند جمهور الحنفية، لكن ليس من باب الإثبات، بل من باب النفي فاشترطوا ألا يكون الترجيح بالدليل المستقل وإنما بالوصف التابع، بخلاف الجمهور الذين لم يقيدوا فأجازوا الترجيح بالوصف التابع والمستقل، وقيد الحنفية مبني على أن الشيء إنما يتقوى بصفة توجد في ذاته، لا بانضمام مثله عليه لغيره؛ بل يكون كل واحد معارضاً، وترتب على تقييد الحنفية أثر أصولي في مسألة الترجيح بالكثرة، وأثر في الفروع الفقهية.
وبمقارنة ماهية الدليل المستقل في كلا المبحثين، تبين أن ماهيته واحدة، لا تختلف باختلاف مناهج الأصوليين في التقييد به، وإنما ترتب الأثر بناء على اشتراطه، أو اشتراط عدمه، وفكرة التقييد مبنية في كلا المبحثين على قيام التعارض به.
This research examined independent evidence, discussing its definition; as this term wasmentioned in a number of the definitions which the fundamentalists included in their studies, specifically when they were discussing the topics of “limiting the meanings of a general term" (ara: “Takhsees") and “preference of a specific meaning" (ara: “Tarjeeh").In the Hanafi-doctrine's definition of “limitation of meanings" (Ara: “Takhsees"), the Hanafi scholars set rules that the evidence for specifying certain meanings for a term should be an independent comparative evidence. However, the majority of Islamic scholars did not restrict the evidence. Nonetheless, this restriction in the Hanafi doctrine stems from the fact that evidence can be a statement that includes the opposite meaning, since it is independent evidence. This disagreement resulted in setting a fundamentalist rule, which is: the general meaning of a term may contradict with its specific meaning, according to the Hanafi doctrine. In addition, this disagreement affected other branches of fiqh sciences.
As for the topic of “preference of a specific meaning" (ara: “Tarjeeh"), the case was the same; as the concept of “Tarjeeh" (i.e. “preference of a specific meaning") was defined by the majority of Hanafi scholars. However, they did not consider it a tool of proof, but rather a tool of negation. The Hanafi scholars set rules that preference of a specific meaning should not be based on independent evidence, but rather on dependent description, unlike the majority of Islamic scholars who did not restrict evidence. Other scholars permitted preference of a specific meaning (i.e. “Tarjeeh") based on dependent and independent description of the term. Nonetheless, it can be said that the Hanafis restriction is based on the fact that a term can be described by a characteristic that already exists in it, not by adding the term described to a similar one, which may have a contradictory meaning. The Hanafis restriction resulted in creating a fundamental rule concerning the issue of preference based on multiplicity of meanings. It also affected other branches of fiqh sciences.
By comparing the nature of independent evidence in both topics, it became clear that its definition is the same and it does not differ according to the different approaches followed by fundamentalist scholars. However, the various effects of independent evidence result from the conditions set to use it or not to use it and the idea of restriction is based in both topics on the existence of contradictory meanings.