ArticleUsing E-Portfolio to Enhance Reflective Instructional Practices and Self-Efficacy of EFL Student-Teachers
ArticleUsing E-Portfolio to Enhance Reflective Instructional Practices and Self-Efficacy of EFL Student-Teachers
ArticleEvaluating the Teaching Practice Course for Students-Teachers English Majors in the Light of their Professional Needs and Satisfaction
ArticleEvaluating the Teaching Practice Course for Students-Teachers English Majors in the Light of their Professional Needs and Satisfaction
Articleممارسة معلمات اللغة الإنجليزية بمدارس المرحلة الثانوية لأساليب التنمية المهنية ودورها في تطوير أدائهن المهني
Articleممارسة معلمات اللغة الإنجليزية بمدارس المرحلة الثانوية لأساليب التنمية المهنية ودورها في تطوير أدائهن المهني
ArticleA Stylistic – Based Pedagogical Practices And Applications Program for Developing English Language Creative Reading Skills Among Secondary Stage Students
ArticleA Stylistic – Based Pedagogical Practices And Applications Program for Developing English Language Creative Reading Skills Among Secondary Stage Students
ArticleThe Effectiveness of Portfolio on Developing Creative Writing Skills and Satisfaction, Al-Arish Faculty of Education, Third Year English Majors
ArticleThe Effectiveness of Portfolio on Developing Creative Writing Skills and Satisfaction, Al-Arish Faculty of Education, Third Year English Majors
ArticleThe Implementation of Portfolio Assessment to Enhance Writing Skills in EFL Adult Classrooms: An Exploration of the Benefits and Challenges Moonerah Mesfer Alhasef
ArticleThe Implementation of Portfolio Assessment to Enhance Writing Skills in EFL Adult Classrooms: An Exploration of the Benefits and Challenges Moonerah Mesfer Alhasef
ArticleDeveloping Field-Experience of English Language Teacher Programs at University Level in Light of Educational Contemporaries
ArticleDeveloping Field-Experience of English Language Teacher Programs at University Level in Light of Educational Contemporaries
ArticlePromoting EFL Pre-Service Teachers' Language Management Skills Using an Action Learning Program
ArticlePromoting EFL Pre-Service Teachers' Language Management Skills Using an Action Learning Program
ArticleA program based on reflective teaching for developing student-teachers’ competency and their pupils achievements
ArticleA program based on reflective teaching for developing student-teachers’ competency and their pupils achievements