ArticleCementless total hip arthroplasty in post-traumatic avascular necrosis of the femoral head in young adults
ArticleCementless total hip arthroplasty in post-traumatic avascular necrosis of the femoral head in young adults
ArticleCombined cementless acetabular reconstruction with bone grafting in total hip replacement after acetabular fractures treated nonoperatively
ArticleCombined cementless acetabular reconstruction with bone grafting in total hip replacement after acetabular fractures treated nonoperatively
ArticlePreserving Approach in Management of Femur Giant Cell Tumor with Curettage and Bone Grafting in an Adult Patient: Case Report
ArticlePreserving Approach in Management of Femur Giant Cell Tumor with Curettage and Bone Grafting in an Adult Patient: Case Report
ArticleSurgical management of combined osteoarthritis knee and proximal tibial stress fracture via long tibial stem total knee arthroplasty: assessment of medium-term results
ArticleSurgical management of combined osteoarthritis knee and proximal tibial stress fracture via long tibial stem total knee arthroplasty: assessment of medium-term results