ArticleTreatment of acromioclavicular joint dislocation by hook plate and direct coracoclavicular ligament reattachment to the clavicle
ArticleTreatment of acromioclavicular joint dislocation by hook plate and direct coracoclavicular ligament reattachment to the clavicle
ArticleHook plating versus tension band wiring in treatment of displaced lateral end clavicle fracture
ArticleHook plating versus tension band wiring in treatment of displaced lateral end clavicle fracture
ArticleSurgical Treatment of Displaced Mid-Shaft Clavicular Fractures with Precontoured Anatomical Locked Plates
ArticleSurgical Treatment of Displaced Mid-Shaft Clavicular Fractures with Precontoured Anatomical Locked Plates
ArticleHook plate fixation with coracoclavicular ligaments repair and augmentation for management of acute acromioclavicular joint dislocation
ArticleHook plate fixation with coracoclavicular ligaments repair and augmentation for management of acute acromioclavicular joint dislocation