ArticlePlate over nail and bone graft for management of tibial non union after intramedullary fixation
ArticlePlate over nail and bone graft for management of tibial non union after intramedullary fixation
ArticleManagement of aseptic non union tibia using plating or interlocking nail with or without bone grafting
ArticleManagement of aseptic non union tibia using plating or interlocking nail with or without bone grafting
ArticleCombined intramedullary and extramedullary fixation with autogenous bone grafting for the treatment of forearm nonunions with severe bone loss
ArticleCombined intramedullary and extramedullary fixation with autogenous bone grafting for the treatment of forearm nonunions with severe bone loss
ArticlePercutaneous autologous bone marrow injection as a substitute for operative grafting in delayed union and nonunion of long bone fractures
ArticlePercutaneous autologous bone marrow injection as a substitute for operative grafting in delayed union and nonunion of long bone fractures
ArticleAugmentation plates and bone grafting for treatment of nonunited long bones fractures fixed by intramedullary nails
ArticleAugmentation plates and bone grafting for treatment of nonunited long bones fractures fixed by intramedullary nails
ArticleTreatment of femoral and tibial fractures aseptic nonunion after intramedullary nailing by plate augmentation and bone graft
ArticleTreatment of femoral and tibial fractures aseptic nonunion after intramedullary nailing by plate augmentation and bone graft