Study design
Patients with aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) lesion were treated by an injection of autologous bone marrow aspirates (ABM) and follow-up was performed to obtain the final results.
Patients and methods
Sixteen patients had an ABC that was treated by ABM injections. This study included 16 patients, 11 (68.75%) females and five (31.25%) males. Their age ranged from 3 to 14 years, with an average age of 7.5 years. The number of injections for every patient ranged from 2 to 6, with an average of 4.4. This study included five (31.25%) patients with a proximal femoral cyst, nine (56.25%) patients with a tibial cyst (two distal and seven proximal tibiae), and two (12.5%) patients with a proximal humeral cyst.
The pain score according to Visual Analogue Score ranged from 3 to 9, with an average of 5.7, which improved to an average of 1.5 at the final follow-up. Duration of healing time ranged from 21 to 90 days, with an average of 42.2 days. Motion of the arm, as patients could move their arm without pain, was allowed. Weight bearing for the lower limbs was also allowed as patients reported that pain subsided even when no complete healing was achieved according to radiological investigations.
The presence of an ABC leads to the risk of fractures and recurrences after various modalities of treatment. The BM has the advantage of percutaneous treatment (minimal invasive) and no recurrence was reported in the current study.