Patients who undergo an open carpal tunnel surgery frequently complain of a postoperative tender scar as a result of the long incision and of excessive scar formation. Instead, in this study, a double mini skin incision, each 1-cm long, was used in the surgical treatment of the carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) by using classic instruments with no need for an endoscope. The transverse carpal ligament was easily sectioned.
Patients and methods
The study population consisted of 40 patients treated in El-Kasr El-Eini Hospital, with CTS and a mean age of 47 years (range: 28–65 years). The average follow-up duration was 12 months (range: 10–15 months). Inclusion criteria included patients with classic CTS without underlying autoimmune disease or traumatic injury. Recurrent cases were excluded in this study.
Surgical results were evaluated using the Boston Carpal Tunnel questionnaire. Postoperatively, only one patient complained of residual mild pain and one patient complained of residual weak handgrip.
Double mini incision in the treatment of CTS showed satisfactory pain relief, nontender scar with good functional outcome, and satisfactory healing of wounds.