ArticlePhotocatalytic activity and removal of organic dyes using sulfated zirconia prepared by a new method
ArticlePhotocatalytic activity and removal of organic dyes using sulfated zirconia prepared by a new method
ArticlePreparation of Sulfated Zirconia Catalyst Loaded by Copper in Nano-scale Green Application to Synthesis of Biolubricant
ArticlePreparation of Sulfated Zirconia Catalyst Loaded by Copper in Nano-scale Green Application to Synthesis of Biolubricant
ArticleCerium oxide (CeO2) nanoparticles: synthesis, characteristics, and properties using the combustion technique
ArticleCerium oxide (CeO2) nanoparticles: synthesis, characteristics, and properties using the combustion technique
ArticleSynthesis and characterization of functionalized cerium and zirconium metal-organic frameworks as novel solid acid catalysts for hydrogen generation
ArticleSynthesis and characterization of functionalized cerium and zirconium metal-organic frameworks as novel solid acid catalysts for hydrogen generation