Aloe vera (Av) anti-diabetic and hypolipidemic in addition to tissue protective capabilities investigation in diabetic rats is the main purpose of our 4 weeks study; in a single form or in a combined form with Carica papaya (Cp). Six rat groups were established in this study; control untreated group, Av-treated group (300 mg/kg), Av+Cp treated group (300 mg/kg each), diabetic group (D), D+Av group and D+Av+Cp group. Herein, Av administrations either alone or in combination with Cp markedly enhanced the hyperglycemic status resulting from diabetes induction; via decreasing both blood HbA1c and glucose values, while increasing serum C-peptide and insulin levels; in comparison with the diabetic group. Regarding lipid metabolism, Av treatment individually or with Cp reverted back the elevated lipid fractions in diabetic rats to near normal levels indicating its hypolipidemic capacity. Furthermore, single Av usage or Av+Cp mixture were found to ameliorate both liver and kidney status; as indicated through decreasing many sera liver (total bilirubin and ALT, AST and ALP) and kidney (urea, uric acid and creatinine) function markers levels in diabetic rats; compared to thein regard to diabetic untreated rats. Obtained results, also, showed that both extracts remarkably improved the diabetic-induced oxidative stress status; as reflected by pancreatic MDA and ROS decreased levels; while enhanced antioxidant defense system capacity through elevating CAT, SOD and GSH pancreatic contents. Thus, our findings clearly point out Av+Cp combination health benefits in ameliorating both metabolic and tissue diabetic complications was superior over single Av administration; owing to both plants marked antioxidant capability