The efficiency of Ferula hermonis plant extract, as inhibitor for zinc (Zn) corrosion in a 1 M HCl solution, has been tested by mass loss (ML), electrochemical measurements (potentiodynamic polarization (PP), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) procedures), in addition to surface examination analysis. The outcomes indicated that Ferula hermonis extract showed good efficiency to Zn corrosion, and displayed high inhibition efficiencies. The maximum value of the inhibition approached 90.6% within the presence of 300 ppm Ferula hermonis extract. The adsorption isotherm of Ferula hermonis extract on the Zn surface was found to follow Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The adsorption was a spontaneous, exothermic process accompanied by a decrease in the entropy. Thermodynamic parameters were determined and discussed. Also, the inhibition efficiency (%IE) was found to increase as the concentration of Ferula hermonis extract increases, and depresses as the temperature growths. The outcomes of the applied chemical and electrochemical techniques are in good agreement. The morphology of the surface of uninhibited and inhibited Zn was examined by atomic force microscopy (AFM), The results indicated that there is a protective film formed by Ferula hermonis plant extract on the Zn surface that protects it from to be corroded in the acid media .