Artificial intelligence can completely transform the healthcare system by enhancing maternal outcomes and streamlining procedures, especially in the obstetric unit. This study aims to evaluate nursing efficiency and the impact of artificial intelligence techniques in obstetric unit care. Design: For this investigation, a quasi-experimental design was adopted. Setting: King Khalid Hospital, a maternity and obstetric facility in Saudi Arabia. Sample: A convenience sample of all nurses and a purposive sample of laboring women in the obstetric unit will be included. Tools: Three instruments were employed to gather data: an interview to assess the demographic characteristics of nurses and laboring women. 2- nurses' knowledge about artificial intelligence such as E-pantograph sheets and Tools II: nurses' practice regarding uses of E-pantograph sheets Tools III: Nurses and labor women satisfaction. Result: The program has beneficial effects on nurses' total knowledge regarding artificial intelligence, 60% of nurses had poor knowledge, 20% had average and good knowledge, and 75% had good knowledge after the program. 65% of nurses had poor knowledge, 25% had average knowledge, and 10% had good knowledge about the characteristics of E-portogram sheets before the program, which increased to 85% of nurses having good knowledge after the program. Also, 60% of nurses had not done practice regarding using E-partographs, and 85% had done practice post-programs. Also, 80% of nurses unsatisfied regarding the use of E-photographs before the program improved to 70% of nurses satisfied after the program, and 85% of labor women's satisfaction of nurses' performance after applying E-partograph sheets was a highly significant difference (p=0.000). Conclusion: The study and research hypothesis concluded that applying artificial intelligence techniques through utilizing E-partographs in the labor unit will positively affect nursing performance and satisfaction. As well as laboring women's satisfaction This improvement was statistically significantly different in nurses' knowledge and practice (pre – post-program). Recommendation: Continuing educational programs for nurses about artificial intelligence techniques, such as E-partograph sheets, to improve nursing performance and labor for women's health and satisfaction.