Bio-fertilization considers a useful agricultural practice, which works to upsurge the soil nutrient and organic matter due to high plant productivity and stress-tolerant of environmental conditions. This study applied mulching and bio-fertilizer on vegetative growth, yield, quality, and tolerance to low soil temperatures stress of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) during the two autumn seasons. The experiment was achieved inside the net house at the station of the Centre laboratory for agriculture climate, Dokki, Egypt during the two successive seasons 2020/2021 and 2021/2022. The five treatments were the application of two additional fertilizers types (compost & vermicompost), foliar spray of algae extract (green algae & seaweed (nanotechnology)) together, compared with the control (spray water) and two treatments of mulch. The design experimental was a split-plot design with three replicates. The outcomes showed that application mulching improved parameters compared to without mulch during the two seasons. In addition, applying biofertilizer (vermicompost + folia spray green algae (T3)) gave the best parameter compared with the control (T0) in the two study seasons. Finally, the interaction of the application mulching and bio-fertilizer (T3) led to a superior of all parameters. On the contrary, the least parameters were achieved by the interaction of the application bio-fertilizer (vermicompost + folia spray seaweed (NT) (T4)) without mulch in both seasons.