Abstract Background: Recently, unilateral laminotomy for bilateral decompression (ULBD) has become an alternative toconven-tional decompression for symptomatic lumbar spinal steno-sis (LSS), and this minimally invasive surgical technique has shown a satisfactory outcomes and low complications. Long term follow-up clarify the outcome and make the approach the golden standard technique. Aim of Study: The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical and radiographic outcomes and complication rates after ULBD in elderly patients. Patients and Methods: This study recorded retrospective analysis of 160 patients operated by unilateral laminotomy for bilateral decompression (ULBD). Data collected 2018-2023 in Banha University Hospital. Patients had undergone spinal de-compression with follow-up period upto 5 years for clinical and radiological data. Results: Male patients were 84 patients (52.2%) and female patients were 76 (47.5%), the age range from 35-67 years old with the mean (55.17 years). The most commonly affected lev-el was L4-5 (61.8%). We operated single level in 121 patients (75.6%) however two level operated in 28 patients (17%) and three level in 11 patients (7%) and distribution of operated level is shown in Table (2). We operated 78 patients on right side and 82 patients on the left side. Discectomy were done in 94 patients, 60 in L4-5 level and 34 patients in L5-S1 level. Dural tear occur in 5 patients (3%) spinal instability in 5 patients (3%) who need fixation and stenosed level other than the operated level in 13 patients (7%) and recurrent disc herniation in 17 patients (10%) restonsis in the operated level in 8 patients (4%). Conclusions: ULBD is a good alternative technique in el-derly patients who usually affected by canal stenosis with little postoperative morbidity.