يرمي هذا البحث إلى تسليط الضوء على الحضور التداولي للبلاغة في التراث الشعري ونقده، وإبراز الدور المنوط بالبلاغة في العملية الإبداعية، وكيفية التعامل بشكل مزدوج مع قطبي هذا الإبداع؛ من حيث كونها أداة توصيل لرسالة وفكرة معينة على نحو مقنع ومؤثر، وكونها تهتم بإدخال عناصر الفاعلية، والحركة، والتناسق على المعاني المكوّنة للإبداع داخل النص.
This research aims to shed light on the deliberating attendance of rhetoric in the poetic heritage and its criticism, and to highlight the role assigned to rhetoric in the creative process, and how to deal dually with the poles of this creativity, in terms of being a tool for delivering a message And a certain idea in a convincing and influential way, and that it is concerned with introducing the elements of effectiveness, movement, and consistency to the meanings that make up creativity within the text.
This research aims to shed light on the deliberating attendance of rhetoric in the poetic heritage and its criticism, and to highlight the role assigned to rhetoric in the creative process, and how to deal dually with the poles of this creativity, in terms of being a tool for delivering a message And a certain idea in a convincing and influential way, and that it is concerned with introducing the elements of effectiveness, movement, and consistency to the meanings that make up creativity within the text.