ArticleDeveloping a product design process via a deeper understanding of user experience UX and collaborative design.
ArticleDeveloping a product design process via a deeper understanding of user experience UX and collaborative design.
ArticleDevelop a Procedural Model for Designing Tangible Interaction Products in Light of Frameworks and Models of Tangible User Interfaces
ArticleDevelop a Procedural Model for Designing Tangible Interaction Products in Light of Frameworks and Models of Tangible User Interfaces
ArticleThe interrelationship between Aesthetics and Ergonomic Aspects in the process of Product Design
ArticleThe interrelationship between Aesthetics and Ergonomic Aspects in the process of Product Design
ArticleA Design Management Methodology through Design Thinking for Developing Smart Product System Design
ArticleA Design Management Methodology through Design Thinking for Developing Smart Product System Design