Abstract: Background: Chronic kidney disease is a progressive disease that cannot be reversed leads to end-stage renal disease if it is not detected and treated early. The application of educational intervention enables hemodialysis patients to overcome interdialytic weight gain, correct their behaviors, enhance their capabilities, knowledge, and awareness. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of implementing educational intervention on diet, exercise awareness for reducing muscle cramps among hemodialysis patients. Design: A quasi-experimental design (pretest/posttest) was utilized. Setting: The study was conducted at hemodialysis unit in two different settings, which located in Tanta city, Gharbia Governorate, Egypt. Sample: A convenience sample of 80 patients who were registered in dialysis unit's files in Tanta Fever hospital and hemodialysis unit of Almunshawi Hospital. Instruments I: Structured interviewing questionnaire: It used to collect personal and medical data about heamodialysis patients. II: Cramp questionnaire chart and visual analogue scale: It was used to assess patients' level of muscle cramps before and after application educational intervention. III: The hemodialysis knowledge questionnaire: It was used to assess patient's level of knowledge regarding to heamodialsis, laboratory investigation,diet and exercises. Results there were a highly significant differences in pre and post third months' intervention regarding to knowledge about hemodialysis, laboratory investigation, diet and exercises where (p<0.0001). Also, all the studied patients had severe muscle cramp pre intervention while 70% of them had mild muscle cramps post third month. Conclusions: Educational intervention for three months led to improving patients' knowledge and increasing satisfactory level regarding hemodialysis, laboratory investigation, diet, exercises and decrease severity of muscle cramps. Recommendation: Develop instruction guidelines for hemodialysis patients before starting HD sessions to improve their self-care practices about care of vascular access, importance of exercise, medications, and its side effects.