Abstract: Background: Chronic kidney disease has a great impact on health-related quality of life from initial stage of disease to its end stage due to effect of symptoms, restrictions and its treatment on daily life of these patients. Active and passive stretching exercises had a positive effect on reducing the intensity of muscle cramps among HD patients. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of intradialytic stretching exercise on reducing muscle cramps for improving the QOL among hemodialysis patients. Design: A quasi-experimental design (pretest/posttest) was utilized. Setting: The study was conducted at hemodialysis unit in two different settings, which located in Tanta city, Gharbia Governorate, Egypt. Sample: A convenience sample of 80 patients who were registered in dialysis unit's files in Tanta Fever hospital and hemodialysis unit of Almunshawi Hospital. Instruments I: Structured interviewing questionnaire: that used to obtain personal and medical data about heamodialysis patients. II: Cramp questionnaire chart and visual analogue scale: It was used to assess patients' level of muscle cramps before and after application of intrdialytic stretching exercieses. III: Arabic Version of the Kidney Disease Quality of Life Short-Form. It was composed of 36 items. Results demonstrated post intervention in third month, revealed a highly significant improvement (p<0.0001) in the Physical QoL. The studied hemodialysis patients who suffered low physical QoL, was increased from zero % in pre intervention to 71.3% in third month post intervention and the difference was highly significant (P<0.0001). In addition, regarding mental QoL, of the studied hemodialysis patients who gained decrease in their negative mental responses, was increased from zero% in pre intervention to 100% in third month post intervention and the difference was highly significant (P<0.0001). Conclusions: Implementation of intradialytic stretching exercises for three months leading that the studied patients' mean total physical component subscale scores, total mental component subscale scores, burden of kidney diseases subscale and effects of kidney disease on daily life post three months' intervention were significantly increased compared to pre intervention. Recommendation: Intradialytic stretching exercises should be combined with routine nursing care for hemodialysis patients.