ArticleSurgical Treatment of Displaced Mid-Shaft Clavicular Fractures with Precontoured Anatomical Locked Plates
ArticleSurgical Treatment of Displaced Mid-Shaft Clavicular Fractures with Precontoured Anatomical Locked Plates
ArticleNonoperative Treatment Compared with Plate Fixation of Displaced Midshaft Clavicular Fractures in Adults
ArticleNonoperative Treatment Compared with Plate Fixation of Displaced Midshaft Clavicular Fractures in Adults
ArticleClinical Outcomes of Plate Fixation Compared with Non-operative Treatment of Displaced Mid-shaft Clavicular Fractures in Adults
ArticleClinical Outcomes of Plate Fixation Compared with Non-operative Treatment of Displaced Mid-shaft Clavicular Fractures in Adults