ArticleFunctional outcome after combined osteosynthesis and osteosuture for proximal humeral fractures
ArticleFunctional outcome after combined osteosynthesis and osteosuture for proximal humeral fractures
ArticleEvaluation of Proximal Humerus Internal Locking System in Management of Proximal Humeral Fractures
ArticleEvaluation of Proximal Humerus Internal Locking System in Management of Proximal Humeral Fractures
ArticlePercutaneous transdeltoid osteosynthesis for proximal humeral fractures with the proximal humeral internal locking system plate
ArticlePercutaneous transdeltoid osteosynthesis for proximal humeral fractures with the proximal humeral internal locking system plate
ArticleFunctional outcome of internal fixation of complex intraarticular fractures of the distal humerus (OTA-AO type-C) in focus of O’Driscoll criteria for optimized stability
ArticleFunctional outcome of internal fixation of complex intraarticular fractures of the distal humerus (OTA-AO type-C) in focus of O’Driscoll criteria for optimized stability
ArticleResults of fixation of comminuted Neer type-V distal clavicle fractures by locked plates and coracoclavicular osseo-ligamentous loop sutures
ArticleResults of fixation of comminuted Neer type-V distal clavicle fractures by locked plates and coracoclavicular osseo-ligamentous loop sutures
ArticleInterlocking Medullary Nail Versus Plate Fixation in Management of Diaphyseal Humeral Fracture
ArticleInterlocking Medullary Nail Versus Plate Fixation in Management of Diaphyseal Humeral Fracture