A half diallel set of crosses involving six parental lines of faba bean were evaluated in a randomized complete block design in two seasons. Significant seasons mean squares were detected for all traits except no. of branches per plant. Significant mean squares for genotypes, crosses and genotypes x seasons were detected for all studied traits. Significant mean squares for heterosis were detected for most traits. Six crosses in the combined analysis, i.e., 1.31 x R.B., 402 x R.B., 61/1311 x F.402, I. 131 x Giza 1,1. 131 x 61/1311/66 and 61/1311/66 x R.B. showed high desirable heterotic effects relative to the better parent for seed yield/plant up to 87.1%. The variance associated with general combining ability (GCA) was significant for all traits except no. of seeds/pod and no. of pods/plant in the combined analysis. Specific combining ability (SCA) mean squares were significant for all traits. GCA/SCA ratio of less than unity was deterected for seed yield/plant and no.of pods/plant. However, GCA/SCA ratio above unity was detected for flowering date, no. of branches/plant 100-seed weight. Interaction mean squares involving GCA and SCA with seasons were significant for all the studied traits. The parental lines I. 131, M-3 and F. 402 had significantly positive GCA effects for seed yield/plant. The combinations (I. 131 x G.1), (1.131 x R.B.), (61/7311/ 66 x M-3), (61/1311/66 x F.402), (F.402 x R.B.), (1.131 x 61/1311/ 66 x M-3), (61/1311/66 x F.402), (F.402 x R.B.), (1.131 x 61/1311/ 66) and (M-3xR.B.) exhibited desirable (SCA) effects for seed yield plant and the latter cross M-3 x R.B. for total shedding. Also, they appeared to be the most promising in breeding for high yielding potential.