The research mainly aimed to measure the impact of good agricultural practices on rice production in
Damietta Governorate, To achieve this goal, the research relied on primary data from a random sample of rice
farmers for the 2021/2022 agricultural season, Descriptive and quantitative statistical analysis methods were
used to analyze both secondary and primary data, The research examined the current situation of productivity
indicators in Egypt and Damietta Governorate, The results showed that there is a statistically significant direct
relationship between the quantity produced from the rice crop and the quantity of seeds x1, The amount of human
labor is x2, and the amount of phosphate fertilizer is x5, By estimating the production elasticity of the most
important factors affecting the amount of rice crop production, it was found that the sample farmers work in light
of capacity savings, By measuring the combined effect of the biological practices of the varieties using formal
variables, it became clear that the highest productive variety was the Giza 178 variety, with an aggregate value
estimated at approximately 3,539 tons/acre, in first place with a record number of approximately 109.57%, followed
by Sakha 101 and Sakha 104, with aggregate values estimated at approximately 3,230, 3,088 tons/acre.
acres, with a record number of about 100% and 95.60% for each of them, in order from second to third place. It
was also shown that there was a positive effect of both biological cultivar practices, laser straightening, and improved
seeds on the economic indicators of the rice crop in the study sample, It was highest in the Giza 178 variety,
followed by the Sakha 101 variety, then the Sakha 104 variety. By estimating the effect of shocks in the variables
occurring in good agricultural practices on the productivity of the rice crop, the positive impact of the use
of seeds, human labor, mechanical labor, and phosphate fertilizers was revealed, while A relatively limited positive
effect was found in the case of the use of nitrogen fertilizers, and the effect was not proven in the case of
animal work due to the expansion of the use of agricultural mechanization, The study recommends working to
spread the positives of the use of biological practices for rice varieties, and their role in raising acreage productivity,
and expanding the use of laser leveling technology, While working to develop and increase the number of
agricultural mechanization units in the governorate, and expanding the use of improved seeds while providing
them at reasonable prices for farmers.