Energy conservation is one of the challenges of our time. With the increase in buildings, energy loss has increased. In addition, most modern designs have not provided appropriate solutions to stop its depletion. Therefore, the research aims to reach a design vision that integrates environmental treatments into the design process stages of buildings and is effective throughout the project life stages in the dry, hot Egyptian climate. Therefore, the study addressed the concept of environmental design and thermal control and its possible strategies for employing treatments according to the stages of the design processes. Thus, the building design is as responsive and interactive with the environment and climate as possible. Then, the study specified the treatments regarding the design elements supporting thermal performance control. Also, it clarified the impact of environmental control strategies and principles on costs during the project life. Accordingly, two experiments of existing buildings that succeeded in achieving flexibility and integration with the surrounding environment were analyzed. That was to demonstrate the benefit of integrating treatments in improving the design of building elements to be more suitable for climatic conditions. The most significant of these techniques was developing the geometric shape of the outer envelope, modifying the proportions of openings, and shading methods. Finally, the study proposed linking the climate treatments to the design stages as a design vision. Consequently, it will facilitate and encourage the investment of these treatments and their strategies in the design to produce responses and thermally balanced buildings to the surrounding environment.