Aim: This systematic review seeks to identify the impact of artificial intelligence on human experience in health care. Background: The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare has given rise to a number of ethical questions as the technology advances and AI becomes more useful. Over the past ten years, there have been notable attempts to reconcile ethical issues with the AI-driven revolution in health. It's still difficult to deploy AI-related technologies and initiatives in healthcare settings ethically, despite the growing interest in AI ethics. Methods: A broad range of databases within the fields of legal sciences, social sciences, health-care sciences and the more general sciences practitioner base “Web of Science" were explored. Articles were selected according to strict inclusion/exclusion criteria and systematically analyzed regarding their content and authorship. To address this current issue, we examined 253 papers that summarised the consistent themes of ethical AI initiatives and were published between 2000 and 2020 and related to AI ethics in healthcare.. The systematic literature review was carried out using a hermeneutic approach, and articles were screened and chosen using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) approach. Results: Through the integration of pertinent insights from the fields of AI governance and ethics, we put forth a framework for responsible AI initiatives that comprises five fundamental themes in AI for policy makers, healthcare practitioners, and AI solution developers. These themes are summarized as following: Sustainability, Human centeredness, Inclusiveness, Fairness, and Transparency. Conclusion: Identifying the impact of artificial intelligence on human experience in health care.