This paper dealt with goddess nsrt. It clarified her roles in Ancient Egyptian religion by studying the textual and iconographical sources for this goddess from different periods from the Old Kingdom to the end of the Graeco Roman eras. She was dealt as the fiery eye of Re who emitted her fiery breath against his enemies. Her name was derived from the verb "nsr" which means to burn or blaze. Her name means the flaming one or the one who burns .This is matching with her role as a burning goddess. She illuminated the darkness for the bark of Re in the underworld, by spitting flame from her mouth to illuminate the route. She destroyed the enemies of Re-Osiris to prepare his way for the resurrection. nsrt and her partner wpst[i] appeared on the different books of the afterlife while burning all enemies of Re and Osiris.. This research applies the descriptive and analytical methodology. The study reached specific important results, including the forms of the goddess's name which most of them terminated with the determinative of the cobra or the fire. It exposed also the forms of this deity, as she appeared in the human form and in the cobra form, but it is noticed that nsrt was more apparent in the cobra form. Likewise, the most famous titles which she carried and her roles and function in Ancient Egyptian religion. The research clarified also her relation to the other deities like (Osiris, Re , Wepset, Sopdet, Aspet, Dhwty, Meneh).
[i] Goddess wepset appeared in the form of a cobra, and sometimes the head of the cobra is surmounted with the horns of a cow with the disc of the sun in the middle , and sometimes she appeared as a cobra with a lioness head with the sun disc on her head and two horns of the cow from the sides . it is considered one of the protective cobra deities . she appeared together with nsrt while lighting the darkness in the underworld , and she paved the way in the underworld by eliminating the enemies of Re Osiris;
تامر محمد على سعدالله , "المعبودة وبست ودورها الدينى فى العالم الآخر " , المجلة العلمية لكلية سياحة وفنادق , جامعة الاسكندرية , العدد 17, الاصدار الاول, 20017, ص. 57