Sports injuries and physical rehabilitation
This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of a training program on Knowledge Acquisition and practicing some First Aid Skills for students of physical Education and Sports in Kuwait. The researcher used experimental design using one group pretest posttest design. It was carried out with 90 samples of those who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. A self-administered tool was used to assess the pretest and posttest level of knowledge and practice regarding selected first aid measures. The training program was conducted for the duration of 30 to 45 minutes. The posttest was assessed after the fifth to seventh day by using the same tool the analysis revealed that the pretest level of knowledge regarding selected first aid measures mean score was 18.11 with the standard deviation of 7.23 and the posttest level of knowledge regarding selected first aid measures mean score was 35.18 with standard deviation of 13.61. The pretest level of practice regarding selected first aid measures mean score was 15.80 with standard deviation of 7.40 and posttest level of practice regarding selected first aid measures mean score was 26.90 with standard deviation of 3.20. the paired ‘t' test values were 10.50 and 13.06 which showed remarkably high significant at the level of p<0.001. The person correlation coefficient value of r = 0.543 at the level of p<0.01 which showed moderate correlation between posttest level of Knowledge Acquisition and practicing some First Aid Skills for students of physical Education and Sports in Kuwait.
Training program, Knowledge acquisition, First Aid Skills
Last Name
Salem Nasser Al-Rashidi
College of Basic Education، Department of physical Education and Sports، Kuwait.
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Publication Title
The International Scientific Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
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Effectiveness of a Training program on Knowledge Acquisition and practicing some First Aid Skills for students of physical Education and Sports in Kuwait