Background: Functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) can cause significant distress for infants as well as their parents, resulting in ongoing discomfort for both parties. This often leads to numerous visits to healthcare suppliers, changes in milk formulas frequently, and expensive non-drug treatments. Additionally, doctors may prescribe drugs without proven efficacy, that may lead to adverse reactions.
Objective: To determine the prevalence and risk factors of FGIDs in the first six months of life in Akhmim city using Rome IV criteria.
Patients and Methods:this is a Cross-sectional study that was applied on 1000 infants ages (0-6 months) in Akhmim central hospital, Akhmim city using Rome IV criteria to determine the prevalence and risk factors of (FGIDs) in the first six months of life during the period from February 2023 to July 2023.
Results: Univariant regression analysis revealed that functional gastrointestinal disorders significantly correlated with age, urban, rural areas, weight at birth and mode of delivery with p-value <0.0001. Multivariant regression analysis also revealed that functional gastrointestinal disorders are significantly associated with age, urban, rural, birth weight and modeof delivery with p-value <0.0001.
Conclusion: FGIDs are frequent in infants and children. Regurgitation is the most frequent in infants and young age children. the prevalence of FGIDs are significantly related to Residence, birth weight, age and mode of delivery of the studied infants.