This paper is extracted from my PhD dissertation entitled "Translations of Shakespeare's Sonnets into Arabic: A Transcreative, Socio-semiotic Approach" which is submitted to Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Sohag University, under the Supervision of Professor Bahaa M. Mazid, Professor of Linguistics and Translation, Faculty of Languages, Sohag University, and Dr. Ismael Abd ELghany, Associate Professor of Literature, Faculty of Arts, Soahg University, 2024. The dissertation deals with three of Shakespearean sonnets translated into Arabic, adopting the theoretical framework of Halliday and Matthiessen's (20140 systemic functional grammar (SFG). the SFG covers transitivity and modality processes. The study concludes that the themes of death, irony, and time are well translated through additions and elisions of the grammatical structures between the two languages within the SFG. This paper discusses Sonnet 60 and presents my translation of the Sonnets (1), (18), and (60). The findings in the current thesis show that the translation processes of English to MSA are stimulated through the processes of addition and omission with the aim of seeking irony through both the so-meant former sonnets between the ST and TT mechanisms. Owing to the similarities between MSA and English, there are some identical structures between the two languages adopting the same structure of NP, VP, and Adj. The study concludes that the ironical tendency of ST is linguistically translated into Arabic grammatical structure constraints through the SFG's domain namely phraseological and clausal level.