The evaluation of the relative sensitivity of fifteen cultivars of graminaceous crops against Sitotroga cerealella (Oliv.) was conducted. Two tests (free choice and non-choice) were carried out in the research lab at 28±1 °C, and 75± 10% RH. The results showed highly significant differences between various graminaceous grains in their sensitivity to S. cerealella infestation. In the free choice test, the genotypes were categorized into two groups: Sorghum varieties, Maize (SC-10), and Barley (Giza-123) were found to be the most sensitive, while, Bread wheat (Giza-171, Sakha -95, and Shandweel-1) and Durum wheat (Masr-1), were less sensitive. Regarding weight loss Barley, Giza-123 (18.13±2.53) followed by Barley, Giza-132 (16.88±3.52) and Sorghum, Local- 2(14.43±4.09) experienced the highest weight loss. Maize (SC-10), Rice (Sakha- 101), Maize (SC-131), Sorghum (Local- 1), Rice (Giza -181) and Bread wheat (Giza-11) had lower weight loss. Adult emergence in Sorghum varieties was significantly higher than in the other graminaceous crops. Adult emergence from Barley varieties was lower than from Sorghum varieties, but higher than from the other graminaceous crops. In the non-choice test, Sorghum varieties showed the highest percentages of infestation (57.00±2.00% and 48.00±5.66%). Bread wheat (Suds 12, Giza11, Giza 171, Sakha 95, Shandweel- 1), Durum wheat (Beni Suef -5), Rice (Giza 181), and Rice (Sakha 101) had the least infestation. The greatest percentage weight loss was observed in Sorghum Local 1 (13.55±3.31%) followed by Sorghum Local 2 (11.63±4.09%) and Barley Giza132 (11.36±1.13%), whereas, Bread wheat (Giza11, Shandweel 1, Sakha 95 , Giza 171); Durum wheat (Beni Suef -5 and Masr-1), Rice (Sakha 101), and Maize (SC10) had the least weight loss. Adults emerged in Sorghum Local 1, Barley Giza132 and Sorghum Local 2 were higher than in the other graminaceous crops (41.00±3.46), (32.75±0.96) and (24.00±1.83) respectively. Adults emerged in Bread wheat (Giza11, Giza 171, Sakha 95 and Shandweel 1), Durum wheat (Beni Suef -5), Maize (SC10) and Rice (Giza 181) were lower. These details are important for host plant resistance breeding programs for plant breeders.