In recent decades, the country has made greater attempts to provide several services to its citizens with special needs, attempting to highlight their talents, and capabilities and integrate them into society.
This research focuses on teaching visually impaired students (totally blind). They require effective learning methods in an adequate manner, especially in academic courses such as the Basics of Advertising Design for non-designers, which rely on visual perception that is contradict of their capabilities.
Therefore, the current research offers an appropriate approach to teaching this academic course, which available for non-designers of visually impaired students, to fulfil their passion for this theoretical knowledge that may not be able to practice in their practical life. Additionally, support and integrate them with their peers in the regular classroom. Assuming the interactive teaching method is an appropriate teaching method for this theoretical course .
Descriptive methodology is adopted to introduce the proper interactive method of teaching them. The methodology is then applied to the Basics of Advertising Design as an academic course, produced examples of the students' work.
According to observations of focus groups and verbal students' comments, the researcher found that students acquire titles as design elements and principles by utilizing a multi-sensory method and elements from their surroundings. This study provides an interactive approach that can assist students with visual impairment (totally blind) acquire courses that may differ from their abilities and capabilities, as well as those in charge of teaching these courses. Additionally, helped them to collaborate with their peers